Curative information about tax news, updates, changelogs and related articles.

The Ultimate Guide to Dual Citizenship Taxes for Expats
We all know about Dual Citizenship. It means that people can have more than one nationality. It gives individual country-specific

How to Amend Streamlined Income Tax Returns for the United States Expats
Are you aware of streamlined income tax returns as a United States expats? Do you want to know how to

Filing Late Taxes: All of Your Scariest Questions Answered
Are you planning to file your income tax return? Do you want to know everything about it? Then, you are

Facts about claiming the foreign tax credit for corporations:1118 form
Do you wish to know everything about claiming the foreign tax credit for corporations and the 1118 form? Then, you

Everything About Checking the Virtual Currency Checkbox on Form 1040
You all know about Form 1040, but an interesting question that must be coming to your mind is checking the

9 Best Tax-Free Retirement Countries for Americans Abroad
Are you planning for your retirement and wish to settle in a new country? If you are an American who

25 Things You Must Know About US Expat Taxes
We all know that knowing and searching about the US tax code is a daunting task. And when you are

Everything You Must Know About Changing Your State Residency When Moving Abroad
Do you wish to change your state residency as you are staying overseas? Don’t you know anything about it? Don’t

Negotiating Tax-Efficient Overseas Tax Contracts For Employment
There are employee advantages during overseas employment. You can negotiate tax-efficient overseas tax contracts for employment. Do you wish to

Do you know about 401k renouncing citizenship?
If you don’t know about anything, then you have come to the right place at Do you wish to

Renouncing Or Revoking US Citizenship
Are you planning for retirement in the United States? Are you renouncing your citizenship? Don’t you know anything about US

Opening a Foreign Bank Account Without Affecting Tax-Filing Needs
Do you want to open a foreign bank account without triggering tax-filing needs? All your doubts regarding opening a foreign